toxic levels of heavy metals found in rice protein

Activist Mike Adams’ recent investigation found that rice protein imported from China had as much as 20 times the recommended limit for arsenic.

Soil naturally contains elements that plants might absorb as they grow. Depending on many factors, including geographic region, the level of elements in soil varies. Unfortunately, heavy metals like lead, cadmium, tungsten, arsenic, and aluminum can be hazardous in large amounts or when consumed over time.

The USDA and FDA currently do not regulate the levels of heavy metals permitted in food or supplements. Only in the state of California is there legislation (Prop 65) that requires companies to label and measure risks associated with heavy metals. With these recent developments, the FDA is now considering whether a safety level should be set for arsenic in rice.

—> Watch Mike Adams, of Natural News reveal test results of popular rice protein brands on the Dr. Oz Show.

—> Learn more: Deborah Blum wrote about The Trouble With Rice in the New York Times.

Do You Use a Protein Powder or Shake?

Protein is necessary to build, maintain and repair muscle. Many people look to protein powders or shakes as a convenient source of vital nutrients. The main types of protein powders and shakes are: whey, casein, soy, rice and hemp.

• Whey and Casein are derived from milk and they provide a “complete protein,” meaning they contain all essential amino acids. They are not suitable for vegans or anyone with lactose intolerance.

• Soy consumption affects hormone balance and is therefore not acceptable for anyone with thyroid disease or a predisposition to thyroid dysfunction. The majority of soy is also genetically engineered, which poses other potential health risks.

• Rice is not a complete protein because it lacks one of the essential amino acids. Recent findings suggest that there are alarming levels of heavy metals in rice.

• Hemp is a complete protein that is high in fiber, rich in essential fatty acids and easy to digest. Hemp is also extremely sustainable to grow.

Nutiva Organic Hemp – A Perfect Protein

Nutiva Organic Hemp Protein is grown in Canada and as Mike Adams details in his report, hemp protein tests very low for heavy metals. Hemp is also a perfect protein! It contains all 20 amino acids, including the 9 essential as well as the ideal ratio of essential fatty acids (omega-3 & omega-6). Nutiva Organic Hemp Protein is vegan, made from raw hempseeds and is certified organic and non-GMO. It’s a good source of dietary fiber and is never hexane processed, always chemical free, and non-irradiated. Even better, hemp is very easy to digest. Because it contains 66% edestin, a bioactive globulin protein, hemp is suitable even for the most sensitive stomachs. Hemp is the world’s most sustainable plant. It has a quick growing cycle, requires less water than most crops, and replenishes the soil with nutrients and nitrogen. Hemp converts C02 to oxygen four times better than trees, and does not require pesticides or herbicides. For all these reasons, hemp protein is a sound environmental choice as well as the perfect addition to your morning smoothie.

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